Adobe, 2008
Project Scope:
Concept Development
User Experience Design
Website Design & Development
Branded Content
In 2006, Adobe came to us acknowledging they produced the best creative technology tools in the world. Photoshop, Flash, Dreamweaver AfterEffects, and other applications were routinely used to create amazing digital experiences on the Web. Yet, Adobe had never used these tools with any ambition or creative depth to market their own products in digital.
They asked us to propose a strategy and an approach to help them boost the marketing efforts of their forthcoming Creative Suite 4 (CS4) in an unforgettably creative way. We pitched them a concept leveraging a new Flash methodology, Paper Vision 3D, immersing the viewers in the success stories of some of their many talented Adobe customers. In the end, we created a visually dynamic, ever-evolving experience, featuring hours of inspiring content.
To execute the project, we created our own 3D app in Flash allowing the design team to design and build the 3D spaces for the projects. Following the launch, our Lead Flash Developer, Gary Stusick, built a fully articulated interface for the application, and we released it open-source for other teams to use in developing their own Paper Vision projects. Yep we built a full 3d application for Flash with Flash.
Brilliant Success
A month of sleepless nights were worth it in the end, as the project was directly attributed to a 10% increase in sales. It was lauded by Adobe’s Chief Marketing Officer at their annual meeting as the bravest marketing Adobe had ever done, setting the bar to which all future work should aspire.
To execute the project, we created our own 3D app in Flash allowing the design team to design and build the 3D spaces for the projects. Following the launch, our Lead Flash Developer, Gary Stusick, built a fully articulated interface for the application, and we released it open-source for other teams to use in developing their own Paper Vision projects. Yep we built a full 3d application for Flash with Flash.
Brilliant Success
A month of sleepless nights were worth it in the end, as the project was directly attributed to a 10% increase in sales. It was lauded by Adobe’s Chief Marketing Officer at their annual meeting as the bravest marketing Adobe had ever done, setting the bar to which all future work should aspire.