Various 2000-2012
Project Scope:
UX Design
Web Applications Dev
Web Site Design & Dev
Game Design
Action sports brands were a big part of our culture, it’s a part of Orange County especially the neighborhood we worked in. In fact our office was actually Volcom’s headquarters before we moved in. In those early days of JUXT we enjoyed the opportunity to work with the brands we had grown up with and loved. I still smile when I think back to showing up for meetings on big swell days to find no one to meet with… Always check the surf report before a meeting.

We built Billabong first website in the US then followed that up with several microsites. It was a true partnership working with Ian Walter and the Billabong crew. They gave us lots of creative freedom designing and building their site. This confidence in our team allowed us to created something noteworthy at the time. It was named the 85th of the The 200 Best Design Moments in our Lifetime by Computer Arts.

Action sports brands pretty much invented branded content. Long before Youtube, heck before the internet, they were producing great video content that went viral by way of VHS cassette being passed around. In 2001 we created a website for Pickled the Movie, a snarky surf film created by Billabong. Featuring a clips from the film, bios on the surfers, a movie maker app and hilarious seagull pooping game the site spread the reach of the film via the web.

We worked with the Reef team down in San Diego helping them get all their product online in a visually and interactively dynamic yet manageable way. Building a custom CMS system that managed the content in the Flash based site was pretty innovative at the time.

Next we got to play with the Volcom crew, building a web application empowering their internal art department to build pages on demand using their own geniously raw art. I would not let our design team touch the art, Volcom had a genuine style all their own, we felt it was critical that they design all the graphic elements in house.We guiding them in producing the necessary interface elements for the site. Then or dev team implemented the art into the site. Later we taught their design team how to use Flash and the internet was never the same haha.

We redesigned and developed the Pacsun online store which quickly doubled their sales within three months of launch. Unfortuniatly, despite our amazing success we soon stopped working with Pacsun due to internal politics. It was a pleasure to finally be invited back to work with them again in 2012 to build Golden State of Mind.

Before doing market research and discovering their customers were actually urban. Boost was highly engaged in the action sports culture. In 2003 we helped bring surfing to the world via the internet with the Boost Mobile Pro of Surf site and unprecedented live webcast. Thanks to Joe Stewart for the crafty design.

Red Bull although not technically an action sports company, is heavily engaged with the culture. In 2002 we got the opportunity to help Red Bull introduce their delightfully strange Flugtag event to America for the first time.